January 7, 2025
Sunny Masters, Foundation Administrator
The Jerome T. Osborne and Georgeanne S. Osborne Charitable Trust

Dear Sunny and The Jerome T. Osborne and Georgeanne S. Osborne Charitable Trust:

On behalf of the guests staying at Project Hope for the Homeless, we would like to thank the JeromeT. Osborne and Georgeanne S. Osborne Charitable Trust for your award of $15,000 to purchase newbeds and mattresses for the shelter and a stove and refrigerator for Hope House and help us replacethe awning at Hope House damaged in our recent winter weather. Your check #1192, dated December11, 2024 was received on January 3, 2025. We are grateful for your partnership as we serve the menand women who enter our doors every day and work onmaintaining sobriety, managing mental health, and achievinggoals to break the cycle of homelessness.
The new beds and mattresses will replace beds that are veryold and help ensure a good night’s rest for all who sleep in theshelter. You can imagine the difference a new bed and mattresswill make after a long day.

Guests at Hope House will benefit from the new appliances toallow them to securely store food and medicine and allow themto cook desired meals without worrying about appliancesfailing. This is a true blessing to all.

One of many success stories is below:
“Recently, we served a 64-year-old, widowed guest that we had assisted in the past. She was acandidate for Hope House (our senior transitional home), but she was more driven and obtained aplace to move into with a rental subsidy. When I went to visit with her, she was so happy and thankfulfor the aftercare move-in basket. Her place looked very nice, and she was very proud of her newfurniture and wall hangings. She is also living in her old neighborhood, where she is very comfortablebeing and she reports fond memories. The smile on her face was the best” – Tonya Abney, AftercareCoordinator

Your gift is making a difference to the guests who seek shelter and hope! May God bless you forgenerosity. If anyone from your team would like a tour, feel free to call me at 440-354-6417 x 107and we can schedule! Thank you.

Judy Burr, Executive Director
Ecumenical Shelter Network of Lake County, Inc.

EIN 34-1769046
Ecumenical Shelter Network of Lake County, Inc. d.b.a. Project Hope for the Homeless
PO Box 2035, Painesville Twp., Oh 44077 | 440.354.6417 |www.projecthopeforthehomeless.org